Making a spectacle…

So this morning I’m sitting in my living room and my mom is reading an article in the NY Times. She jumps up and says that I need to bring Snapchat Spectacles with me. Mind you, I do not currently own a pair. She says I MUST bring them with me, I HAVE to get a pair. I inform her that they are not sold on the internet. Snapchat has a pop-up vending machines in random places, and they don’t tell you where they will be and for how long. You have to constantly check the website. Also they have a pop-up store that happens to have have two vending machines in it. It’s located in NYC, and it ends today at 11 pm. So who do you think had to get in the car and drive an hour and a half there and back this morning? You guessed it, me.


I had to pay a No Friends Fee(parking garage) because no one wanted to take the ride with me. But I am now the proud owner of a black pair of Spectacles. They come in black, teal, and coral. But I figured black goes with everything. I will admit, they are awesome. I’m still getting used to them but the possibilites are endless. I can imagine myself riding an elephant or riding in a long boat and sharing my view.


So I walk into the store and there are ropes creating a snaking line. Fortunately there are only about 6 people in it. I hop on line and wait. At the front of the line a man is waiting to check that your ID matches your credit card (no cash or checks accepted) You are infomed you can only buy two per person. Then you walk up to the happy looking machine, and it has a live video feed that superimposes the spectacles on your face. You can push one of three buttons that corresponds to the color of the glasses you want. Then voila! out they come.

They come in a container that looks like the one that tennis balls come in. They have a case that charges them, and I’m pretty excited to utilize them on this trip. I can’t believe I’m leaving tomorrow!


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